Reinforced concrete

  • construction
  • construction
  • construction
  • construction
  • construction
  • construction
  • construction
  • construction
  • construction
  • construction
  • construction
  • construction

Service description

The frame of building from reinforced concrete is the most crucial and determinant factor for the shelf life of the building since the frame is the one bearing all the weights’ loads.
The weight loads are functioning by transmitting the final weight of a building to the ground. The foundation which lays on the ground ‘receives’ the weight loads from the columns.
The columns and the beams are supporting the weight loads of the walls and roofs/floors

Every floor bears the weight loads of itself and the percentage of load or portable weights e.g furniture/ humans

This way, the weight is diffused and its appropriate distribution is recorded in the work’s study in order to achieve optimal stability.